1880 Carroll County, Georgia Census

Carolyn Scherm

Abstracts of families numbered in order of visitation; name of each person; Civil Condition (single, married, widowed, divorced); color; sex; age; relationship of each person to head; profession, occupation; place of birth; place of birth of father; place of birth of mother; literacy. NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please do not order.

1870 Carroll County, Georgia Census

Carolyn Scherm

Abstracts, dwelling and families numbered in order of visitation; name of each person; age; sex; color; profession, occupation; value of real estate; value of personal estate; if born with the year, states month; whether deaf, dumb, blind, insane, etc. NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please do not order.

1860 Carroll County, Georgia Census

Carolyn Scherm

Abstracts of families numbered in order of visitation; name of each person; color; age; sex; profession or occupation; place of birth; value of real estate; value of personal estate; persons over 20 who cannot read or write; whether deaf or dumb, blind, insane, etc. Reprint

1850 Carroll County, Georgia Census

Carolyn Scherm

Abstracts of all names in family, age, sex, color, occupation, real estate value; birth state or country; whether married with year; whether deaf, dumb, blind, etc. town or district of residence. Reprint NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please do not order.

1830 & 1840 Federal Censuses of Carroll County, Georgia

Carolyn Scherm

1830 abstracts show head of household, number of free white males and females in age categories; number of slaves; categories for deaf, dumb, and blind; town or district. 1840 abstracts show Rev. War Pensioners; number engaged in mining, agriculture, commerce, etc. number in school, number in family over 21 who cannot read and write; number of insane.